How to transfer your website to Sheer Web Host with little or no downtime!
For Existing Websites
DO NOT DELETE your current Web hosting account or change the domain nameservers (DNS) until your new account with Sheer Web Host is set up. Follow these steps:
- Establish a hosting account with us. You’ll then be able to access your new account using the info you’ll get in your Welcome e-mail. Follow instructions in your confirmation e-mail and login to your H-sphere Control Panel to set up e-mail, MySQL, etc.
- Start uploading your files to your domain folder using FTP or other website publishing software.
- If moving Cart32, export your cart settings:
Log into your existing/old cart. Click the File tab and then click the Export Client Data button. Follow the instructions to export your cart settings to a text file. After you see the gauge indicating 100%, save the file to your hard drive and e-mail it to - In your Welcome e-mail, you’ll get a temporary link to access your NEW web site before anything goes live. Verify that everything is working on the new site (graphics, web pages, shopping cart, links, etc.).
- Once verified, go to your domain name registrar and change your nameservers/DNS to the ones specified in your setup e-mail.
- Your site will be updated WORLDWIDE within 24 to 72 hours. Note: although you may be able to see your site on your new server within 12 hours or less, please allow a complete 72-hour cycle before you delete your old host account.
- Enjoy your new site @ Sheer Web Host.
If you have any problems during the transfer, please submit a support ticket from your control panel. Let us know what you’ve done so far, and we’ll help you finish it up.